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The 13 Natural Home Remedies For Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are hard deposits that form in the kidneys that occur when minerals and salts, most commonly calcium oxalate, crystallize in the kidneys and create solid deposits.

Dehydration is considered a main contributing factor in the development of kidney stones. When our body is dehydrated, fluid transports slowly through the kidneys, increasing the chances of mineral and salt compounds coming into close contact and sticking together.

Fortunately, most cases of kidney stones are curable with pain medications, fluid therapy, or other medical intervention. Furthermore, there are steps people can take to reduce their chances of getting them.

The 13 Home Remedies For Kidney Stones

1. Water

Drinking water is one of the easiest ways to prevent and cure kidney stones. Most health care provider recommends drinking 64 ounces (oz) or eight glasses of water per day that may help ease the passage or slow the growth of deposits in the kidneys.

2. Lemon Juice

Lemons contain citrate, a compound that aids break down calcium deposits and slow their growth. Two 5-oz glasses, the first on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and one more a few hours before dinner, may help break down smaller stones. But buying pure extract or purchasing fresh lemons and squeezing them at home are the easiest ways to get undiluted lemon juice.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has citric acid that may help dissolve calcium deposits. Just two tablespoons of pure apple cider vinegar mixed with 8-oz of water may lessen the symptoms of kidney stones and prevent their development. This concoction can be drunk several times a day and may be most effective when consumed before meals.

4. Wheatgrass Juice

Wheatgrass juice can help to flush minerals and salts from the urinary tract, preventing them from crystalizing into kidney stones. Wheatgrass has compounds that increase urine production, allowing stones to pass more effortlessly and reducing the risk of their formation. The urinary health benefits of wheatgrass are best obtained by consuming 2 to 8-oz of pure extract or juice every day.

5. Celery Juice or Seed

Celery contains antioxidants and compounds well-known to increase urine production. Adding celery seeds to meals on a regular basis may help decrease the likelihood of developing kidney stones. One or two celery stalks can also be blended with water to make celery juice. Celery juice can be consumed regularly to help treat kidney stone symptoms.

6. Pomegranate Juice

The antioxidant and astringent properties of Pomegranates are believed to reduce the chances of developing kidney stones and ease their passage. Pomegranate juice has compounds that lower the acidity of urine, making it harder for stones to form. Buying whole pomegranates and eating their seeds or juicing them is the easiest approach to get these health benefits.

7. Dandelion Extract, Tea, or Juice

Dandelions contain compounds that raise the production of bile and urine, helping to rid the body of waste. In a pill or capsule form, 500 milligrams (mg) of dried dandelion extract may help ease the symptoms of kidney stones or prevent their formation. In tea or juice form, 3 to 4 cups daily are suggested.

8. Kidney Bean Broth

Kidney Beans contain a lot of magnesium, a compound famous to help reduce kidney stones and their symptoms. One way to get the benefits from the beans is to remove them from their pods then gradually boil the pods for about 5-6 hours. The resulting liquid can then be strained, preferably using cheesecloth, and served warm or cooled. The preparation can be consumed several times during the day.

9. Basil

Basil contains compounds known to help steady uric acid levels, making it harder for kidney stones to form. Additionally, basil contains acetic acid, a chemical known to help dissolve stones. Just one teaspoon of basil extract or pure juice per day may help prevent and treat kidney stones.

10. Uva Ursi

The antiseptic and solvent properties of the herb Uva Ursi may help cleanse the urinary tract and ease the passage of kidney stones. Some study specifies that 500-mg of pure, dried Uva Ursi three times every day may be beneficial for those with kidney stones.

11. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is thick, rich oil that may help ease the passage of kidney stones by lubricating the urinary tract. A 5-oz glass first thing in the morning and late in the afternoon, preferably at the same time as other herbal or home remedies, may ease pain and discomfort.

12. Tribulus Terrestris

Drinks produce from the fruits of Tribulus Terrestris may help lower phosphate levels in the urine, making it harder for stones to form. The herb also contains compounds known to increase urine production and help dissolve mineral deposits. However, the herb may only be available in pill form or dried for use as a tea. One 500-mg pill, or 1 cup of tea, may be sufficient to help prevent kidney stones and ease their passage.

13. Lose Weight

A healthy weight combined with a healthful diet rich in fiber-filled, nutritious foods, is considered crucial to the prevention of kidney stones and for their treatment. Caffeinated, carbonated, and alcoholic drinks can all raise a person’s risk of developing kidney stones. In addition, foods high in sugar, salt, or fat are notorious to increase the risk of kidney deposits and to intensify symptoms.

Persons with a high risk of developing kidney stones may choose to avoid:

Potato chips
Nut butters
Bran flakes

An individual should seek immediate medical attention if severe pain presents in the lower abdomen or genitals. Many kidney stones are curable using fluid therapy and pain medications. However, stones can get stuck in the urinary tract or harm urinary tissues, which usually require immediate surgery.

Symptoms that should be evaluated by a doctor include:

Persistent lower abdominal or back pain lasting more than 4 weeks
Fever or chills
Bloody urine
Loss of consciousness
Painful urination
Cloudy or foul smelling urine
The 13 Natural Home Remedies For Kidney Stones The 13 Natural Home Remedies For Kidney Stones Reviewed by Yen on December 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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