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Effective Home Remedies For Canker Sores (Singaw)


Canker sores is known by various names: apthous stomatitis, aphtous ulcer, mouth sore or more commonly known in the Philippines as “singaw”. It is usually found inside the mouth, lips, tongue, cheeks or throat. You can tell if it’s canker sores because it is white, gray or sometimes yellow with red edges on the affected areas.

It hurts to have a mouth sore, so most people are looking for its medicine to make it disappear. Fortunately, most canker sores require no treatment and can heal on their own. It’s not contagious and cancerous, but it can make eating and talking very painful and difficult.


Canker sores usually starts with a small injury like from teeth braces, accidental biting and abrasion from the teeth. In some cases, it could be stress-related or may be due to a lack of vitamin B and C.

If you have this problem, I’m sure you’ve tried a lot of home remedies that don’t really work. Good thing there’s an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Specialist who recommended these following necessary tricks to cure this ailment.


1. Drink 8-12 Glasses of Water per Day

Drinking lots of water will keep your mouth wet and help lubricate the throat area. Plus, drinking water also loosens sticky phlegm.

2. Eat Yogurt

Yogurt is particularly helpful for the reason that it coats all the canker sores, even in places where it is hard to reach, like the throat and inner gums. It take 1 to 2 tablespoons of yogurt, every hour or so. This is just enough to cover the sores and speed up its healing.

3. Take Vitamin B and C

Vitamin B and C are dubbed as an effective home remedies for canker sores. Doctors have discovered that a daily dose of vitamin B and C are simple yet very effective to prevent the recurrent of canker sores.

4. Use Solcoseryl Dental Paste

Solcoseryl dental paste is applied to the sore 3 to 5 times a day. It has an anesthetic effect and numbs the pain due to canker sores.

5. Take Antibiotics

Just take over-the-counter antibiotics like Amoxicillin 500mg capsule three times a day for 5 days. Occasionally, there is an accompanying sore throat or inflamed tonsils which can benefit from antibiotics, but ask your doctor first.

6. Avoid Sour and Salty Foods

Be cautious on what you eat because acidic fruits like pineapple, orange and green mango can irritate canker sores. Watermelon, however, is calming to the sore. Just avoid eating nuts, chips or pretzels which can reinjure the sore.

7. Don’t Eat and Talk

Too much eating and talking can worsen canker sores. Just bite carefully and eat slowly because most mouth sores require no treatment and can heal on their own.

8. You Need Sleep

If your canker sore is stress-related, it pays to rest your body and sleep a lot. Most canker sores go away in a week or two. See with your doctor if your canker sores are accompanied by fever, last more than three weeks, or the affected individual has difficulty swallowing.


Most experts say that it is best to cure your canker sores so that it will not bother you at all. Yes, you may think it’s small, but it hurts especially when you eat. Therefore, it’s really good to pay attention to your canker sores as soon as possible before it will do damage to your health.

You like this article? Then, don’t forget to share this health facts with your loved ones, especially with your family and friends. Let them know that there are effective home remedies in curing canker sores. If you have some reactions, suggestions or just want to share your thoughts, don’t hesitate to post your comments below!
Effective Home Remedies For Canker Sores (Singaw) Effective Home Remedies For Canker Sores (Singaw) Reviewed by Yen The Explorer on November 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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